Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cruising from Ft. L. to Seattle

Well, over 100 days before we leave. In the meantime we've got Alex and Angie's wedding to look forward to. Still deciding what clothes to take. Can't decide how the weather is going to be. Probably warm though. Oh well, I really do have time. Working on the Haiti disaster at this moment. So sad.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Change of Plans

Well, we have changed our plans about spending 2 months in Italy. The dollar is just to weak against the Euro at this time. We now are planning a cruise from Ft. Lauderdale through the Panama Canal and on up to Seattle. Really good deal and no cooking or cleaning involved. I hope to keep posting on this pretty regularly but now we're getting ready for our Nephew to get married. Have a shower next Sunday for his wife to be Angie and looking forward to that. It's at our daughters house which is on a lake so we're happy about that. We're all well right now.